smart survey

Smart Survey Implementation WP2 deliverable M14: smart baseline stage.

The goal of the WP2 ‘Methodology’ workpackage of the Smart Survey Implementation project (SSI) is to find out what general methodological elements trusted smart surveys should have so that they can be used in statistical production by European NSIs. …

Smart Survey Implementation WP2 deliverable M6: review stage.

Smart surveys have emerged as a promising data collection method, bridging the gap between traditional survey techniques and modern technological advancements. The key characteristic of smart surveys is that they intelligently combine the use of …

Pictures instead of survey questions: An experimental investigation of the feasibility of using pictures in a housing survey

Anyone with a smartphone can take pictures anytime anywhere. This opens the opportunity for researchers to collect photos to augment traditional Web survey data. We conducted an experimental survey asking 2700 members of the Dutch LISS panel about …