
mode effects

One of the most interesting issues in survey research is the mode effect. A mode effect can occur in mixed-mode surveys, where …

how to use Internet panels for polling

checklist for quality of opinion polls

1. Is it clear who ordered and financed the poll? 2. Is there a report documenting the poll’s procedures? 3. Is the target …

the influence of polls on voting behavior

Many opinion pollers do badly when it comes to predicting elections. This is mainly because they let their respondents self-select them …

how to do an exit-poll

There are several ways to do an exit poll, but they all come down to asking people what they voted, right after they went into the …

predicting elections

Opinion pollers do a lousy job of predicting elections. For a good read, see for example the prediction of the New Hampshere primary in …

first past the post

Dear all, With a new year come new year’s resolutions. I have been working as a survey methodologist for about the last 5 years. …