
Mixed mode surveys: where will be in 5 years from now?

Some colleagues in the United Kingdom have started a half-year initiative to discuss the possibilities of conducting web surveys among …

Planned Missingness

I recently gave a talk at an internal seminar on planned missingness for a group of developmental psychologists. The idea behind …

Designing mixed-mode surveys

This weekend is the deadline for submitting a presentation proposal to this year’s conference of the European Survey Research …

Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling

In August, I organised a three-week summerschool with my colleagues in Utrecht on new features in MPLUS 7, the software we use to build …

Is panel attrition the same as nonresponse?

All of my research is focused on the methods of assembling and analysis of panel survey data. One of the primary problems of panel …

why access panels cannot weight elections polls accurately

There are a lot of reasons why would not want to use acces panels for predicting electoral outcomes . These are well discussed in many …

Dutch elections 2012 - poll results

The night after the election, one can conclude that all pollsters in the Netherlands did a bad job of predicting the election results. …

Electoral volatility due to different questions?

**Poll volatility ** Below, you find the summed changes in parliamentary seats over all parties in consecutive opinion polls for the …

Dependent Interviewing, and stability in opinion polls

I was re-reading one of the papers I wrote as part of my dissertation on survey data quality in panel surveys. The paper deals with the …

new homepage

23-07 I’ve changed some things around, integrating my weblog posts with a new personal homepage, where I intend to assemble …