
My prayers on peer-reviewed datasets are instantly answered

Three weeks ago, I wrote about the fact that I think that it would be great if we could have a journal on peer-reviewed datasets (along …

Imagine we have great covariates for correcting for unit nonresponse...

I am continuing on the recent article and commentaries on weighting to correct for unit nonresponse by Michael Brick, as published in …

To weight or to impute for unit nonresponse?

This week, I have been reading the most recent issue of the Journal of Official Statistics , a journal that has been open access since …

Publish your data

This morning, an official enquiry into the scientific conduct of professor Mart Bax concluded that he had committed large-scale …

How to improve the social sciences

Social scientists (and psychology in particular) have in recent years had somethings of a bad press, both in- and outside academia. To …

Nonresponse Workshop 2013

One of the greatest challenges in survey research are declining response rates. Around the globe, it appears to become harder and …

Dependent Interviewing and the risk of correlated measurement errors

Longitudinal surveys ask the same people the same questions over time. So questionnaires tend to be rather boring for respondents after …

measurement and nonresponse error in panel surveys

I am spending time at the Institute for Social and Economic Research in Colchester, UK where I will work on a research project that …

AAPOR 2013

The AAPOR conference last week gave an overview of what survey methodologists worry about. There were relatively few people from Europe …

Open access: things we can learn from the natural sciences

I was pointed to an interview with two Harvard professors, one of them my (former) idol Gary King, talking about the need for open …