Model assisted survey estimation


Topic: We discuss two popular estimation methods that are often used in cluster and multistage sampling designs: Ratio and Regression estimation. The goal of these estimation methods is to make the estimation of a statistic of interest (e.g. mean) more efficient by using auxiliary variables. Inference is here not only using the inclusion probabilities anymore, but inference is being assisted by the use of a statistical model. We introduce the idea of model-assisted inference.


  • Stuart (1984) 71-90

  • Lohr chapters 4 & 7 (note: esp. chapter 7 is really useful)

  • Preparation for class discussion: find out what auxiliary data (at the sample level) is available for the survey you reviewed in earlier weeks, and bring a list of auxiliary data to class. Think about the following question (after reading the literature): would it be a good idea for your survey to use ratio/regression estimation if you are interested in estimating one of the variables of interest in your survey?


We discuss a practical and fictitious example where data are clustered to illustrate why ratio/regression estimation is sometimes so attractive. The bias-variance trade-off as a concept is discussed and illustrated.

Class exercises

Class discussion on design-based vs. model assisted and model-based estimation

Take home exercise

Set up a ratio and/or regression estimation model for a cluster sample dataset

R Class exercise
R class exercise solutions
