Peter Lugtig
Peter Lugtig
About me
Apps and software
Dynamic Time Warping-based imputation of long gaps in human mobility trajectories
Comparison of ESS rounds 9 and 10: mode differences
ESS round 10 mode experiments in Great Britain and Finland. Findings on mode effects
The performance of interrupted time series designs with a limited number of time points: Learning losses due to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic
Monitoring Attitudes Over Time - Real Change or the Result of Repeated Interviewing?
Covid - behavioral effects international datasets
Smart Survey Implementation WP2 deliverable M14: smart baseline stage.
Breakoffs in an Hour-Long, Online Survey
Pictures instead of survey questions: An experimental investigation of the feasibility of using pictures in a housing survey
Maximum interpolable gap length in missing smartphone-based GPS mobility data
Correcting inferences for volunteer-collected data with geospatial sampling bias
Nonresponse analysis in a longitudinal smartphone-based travel study
Testing the Effects of Automated Navigation in a General Population Web Survey
Study Protocol of the Ten Years Up Project: Mapping the Development of Self-Regulation Strategies in Young Adults Over Time
Sharing Data Collected with Smartphone Sensors: Willingness, Participation, and Nonparticipation Bias
Assessing and relaxing assumptions in quasi-simplex models
An app-assisted travel survey in official statistics. Possibilities and challenges
Do shorter stated survey length and inclusion of a QR code in an invitation letter lead to better response rates?
Understanding Willingness to Share Smartphone-Sensor Data
Testing sampling bias in estimates of adolescent social competence and behavioral control
Active and passive measurement in mobile surveys
Adapting surveys to the modern world: Comparing a research messenger design to a regular responsive design for online surveys
Automatic Travel Mode Prediction in a National Travel Survey
Where you at? Using GPS location in an electronic Time Use diary study to derive functional locations
Recruiting young and urban groups into a probability-based online panel by promoting smartphone use
Barriers to ideal palliative care in multiple care settings: The nurses' point of view
Can survey item characteristics relevant to mode-specific measurement error be coded reliably
Generating missing values for simulation purposes: A multivariate amputation procedure
The relative size of measurement error and attrition error in a panel survey. Comparing them using a new Multi-Trait Multi-Method model
In Dutch: Het waarneem innovatie netwerk
The unique roles of intrapersonal and social factors in adolescent smoking development
Incidence and recurrence of common mental disorders after abortion: Results from a prospective cohort study
Mobile-only web respondents
Methodology turns 10
The role of perceived peer norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents’ aggression
Reducing underreports of behaviors in retrospective surveys: The effects of three different strategies
The use of PCs, smartphones and tablets in a probability-based panel survey. Effects on survey measurement error
Assessing and relaxing assumptions in quasi-simplex models
Explaining consumer intentions to use innovative medical and food applications: Test of an extended model of reasoned action in a survey study
Nonresponse and attrition in a probability based Internet Panel for the general population
Differential effects of baseline drinking status: Effects of an alcohol prevention program targeting students and/or parents (PAS) among weekly drinking students
Adolescents’ use of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: Predictors of compliance trajectories
Can I just check...? Effects of edit check questions on measurement error and survey estimates
Panel attrition: Separating stayers, fast attriters, gradual attriters and lurkers
Facing off with Scylla and Charybdis: A comparison of scalar, partial, and the novel possibility of approximate measurement invariance
Evaluating data quality on the measurement of change using dependent interviewing
In Dutch: Ontwikkelingstrajecten in en voorspellers voor het gebruik van seksueel expliciet internetmateriaal
In Dutch: Luiaards en trouwe deelnemers. Classificatie van respondenten in een panelstudie
A checklist for testing measurement invariance
Prevalence and predictors of transitions into co-occurring risk behaviour patterns in adolescence: The TRAILS study
Estimating nonresponse bias and mode effects in a mixed-mode survey
In-Interview edit checks: Effects on measurement error in non-labour income and estimates of household income and poverty
Change, what change? Understanding longitudinal measurement invariance using mixed-methods
Not doing bad things is not equivalent to doing the right thing: Distinguishing between inhibitory and initiatory self-control
Separating selection bias and non-coverage in internet panels using propensity matching